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How can you help? There are multiple ways we receive incredible support from the community. The most impactful is through financial donations to our club directly. You can do so by submitting an etransfer to us at , or by clicking the DONATE button in the top of our website. 

We offer tax receipts for any donation over $20. Just fill out our tax receipt form under our "forms" option. 

We accept donations year-round and really rely on these donations to fund our Holiday Hamper Program especially each year. All of our donated time and financial contributions go toward Airdronians exclusively. Thank you for considering us for your giving dollars and time!

Financials Support

The Airdrie 1st Club can accept cash donations by cheque or money order mailed to PO Box 80102, Downtown RPO, Airdrie, AB, T4B 2V8 or by e-Transfer to or simply use our "Donate Now" button at the top of our webpage.

Most Needed

Please email to arrange a time we can pick up from you.

  • Financial donations to
  • Grocery Stores gift cards in $25 and $50 denominations
  • Cross Iron Mills Mall Gift Cards – $25 denominations
  • Toy Store Gift Cards – $25 denominations
  • Fast Food Restaurants – $15-$25 denominations
  • Family Activity Gift Cards, Example: movie theater, bowling, kids' indoor play space facilities, etc. (cost of admission)
  • Clothing Stores – $25 denominations
  • Book stores - $25 denominations
  • Spa/Hairdresser shops - donations to cover a service/gift card
  • Hardware stores – $25 denominations
  • Local Garden Centres – $25 denominations
  • Toys: top of the list this year is anything BARBIE, anything LEGO, and Roblox gift cards
  • box of chocolates

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P.O. Box 80102
Downtown RPO
Airdrie, Alberta
T4B 2V8
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